About Us

Our mission is to advocate a conscious and balanced life through self-discovery, relationships, education, and Integrated Healing, and to provide a venue for the process of healing to occur.

The Estuary, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit as defined by the IRS. With donations, we are able to assist clients who would be unable to afford our services otherwise. Please consider a tax-deductible donation to The Estuary so we can continue to assist these individuals.

As humans we live in opposite worlds. One is the material, physical plane where life happens, we fall in love, develop disease, experience success and failure. The other is a spiritual world where we receive wisdom from the divine realms, find sanctuary and solace, clarify our truth, experience harmony and loving kindness.

The Estuary integrative practitioners dedicate themselves to assisting you with your healing and personal growth and transformation by knowing yourself better and becoming more present in your everyday life.   Our services help to repair this split in these opposite worlds. Our mission is to teach you to join these heavenly realms with your authentic and real life. You will learn to find your spiritual home on this earthly plane.

The Estuary is also home to The School of Healing Arts.

These opportunities and services are available to everyone.  The Estuary welcomes people of all beliefs and faiths.